A Celebration of Cultural Exchange, Sponsored by the Israeli Embassy in Japan

In September 2023, a group of musicians from Internal Compass in Israel and Internal Compass in Japan embarked on a concert tour of Japan, dubbed “Internal Compass Japan Week.” The tour was curated by both pianist Haruka Yabuno, who’s the artistic director of Internal Compass Japan, and Ehud Ettun, the founder and artistic director of Internal Compass.

The tour dates were 18-25 of September 2023, and concerts were held at multiple venues in Japan: live space ZIMAGINE, Blues Alley Japan, Jazz Live House Cask Kibougaoka, and Acoustic Sound Ishii Hall. The musicians participating in the tour were:

Members of Internal Compass, with Israeli cultural attache to Tokyo, Mr. Israel Strulov

(Members of Internal Compass, with Israeli cultural attache to Tokyo, Mr. Israel Strulov)

Sponsered by the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo, the tour was a resounding success, with audiences praising the musicians’ virtuosity and the unique blend of Israeli and Japanese musical traditions.

“Thanks to the great collaboration we have with the Japanese musicians, and especially Haruka Yabuno, Internal Compass Japan transformed from dream to reality,” said Ehud Ettun. “I am very happy we made this tour come true, it is an incredible way to launch Internal Compass in Japan.”

The tour was not only a musical success but also a cultural one. It provided an opportunity for audiences in Japan to experience Israeli music firsthand, and for the Israeli musicians to learn more about Japanese culture and music.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this tour,” said David Alfandary. “It was an amazing experience to share our music with Japanese audiences and to learn more about Japanese culture. I am confident that this tour will help to strengthen the ties between Israel and Japan.”

The Internal Compass Japan Week concert tour was a landmark event in the cultural relations between Israel and Japan. It is hoped that the tour will pave the way for future collaborations between musicians from the two countries.

Quotes from the musicians:

The Internal Compass Japan Week concert tour was a truly special event. It was a celebration of cultural exchange and the power of music to bring people together.
